How does Fello track Real Sellers

This article will explain the process of determining Real Sellers for real estate team's properties using data from the Real Estate Data.

Step-by-Step Process:

1. Understanding the Sources:

  • Real Estate Data: This is a compilation of properties that are currently active, expired, canceled, temporarily off the market or sold off market.

2. Starting Point - Property Added Date:

  • When a property is added to the agent’s database, it starts being tracked for potential 'Real Seller'.

3. Identification Using Real Estate Data:

  • Active Properties: If a property in the agent's database is an active listing in the dataset, it's flagged as a potential 'Real Seller.'
  • Expired, Cancelled, or Temporarily Off Market: When the property is removed, we stop tracking the property and start tracking it again if it is relisted after certain period of time.
  • Sold Off Market: When the property is sold off market, it's flagged as a potential 'Real Seller.'

4. Consistent Updates and Reviews:

  • As Real Estate data is updated, properties in the agent’s database need regular reviews to ensure accurate Real Seller identification.
  • New properties identified as Active or Sold will be compared against the agent's database. If a match is found, they will be marked as 'Real Sellers.'

5. Consideration for Multiple Contacts:

  • If the same property in the agent’s database is linked to multiple contacts, we consider it as a single Real Seller Opportunity, not multiple opportunities.