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Blog Post

Seamless Sync: The Sierra Interactive and Fello Direct Integration


October 7, 2024 written by Steve Hartman, Product Marketing Manager

Unlock direct integration, cut costs, and gain full control over your data flow.

In an exciting development for real estate professionals, Fello and Sierra Interactive have joined forces to bring you a game-changing direct integration. This seamless data synchronization will revolutionize how agents manage seller leads and streamline their workflows. Experience the freedom and efficiency of a direct, flexible, and cost-efficient integration that adapts to your unique business requirements.

Let's dive into what this integration means for you and your business.

What is the Fello and Sierra Interactive direct integration?

Fello (as you do or do not know) is the cutting-edge marketing automation platform focused on seller conversion and helping agents secure more listings. Sierra Interactive is an innovative CRM for real estate professionals. Fello now provides a direct two-way integration with Sierra databases, which allows for seamless, real-time data synchronization between both platforms, eliminating the need for third-party connectors.

How does it work?

The direct integration between Fello and Sierra Interactive offers a host of powerful features:

1. Real-time Data Syncing: Contact and activity data are updated instantly across both platforms, ensuring agents always have the most current information at their fingertips.

2. Enhanced Contact Data: Fello automatically enriches Sierra contact profiles by filling in missing data and syncing it to both platforms, giving you agents a more complete picture of potential sellers.

3. Unified View: Access contact data and activity history in both Fello and Sierra Interactive, providing a comprehensive overview of which leads are requesting cash offers, home values, have been in their house for more than 10 years, and more.

4. Customizable Data Flow: Get unprecedented control over what data maps between Fello and Sierra Interactive, tailoring the integration to your specific needs.

Benefits for real estate agents:

Easy to integrate

Setting up the integration is a breeze. You can easily connect Sierra Interactive right from Fello's integrations page and follow these steps. Plus, if you need any assistance, Fello's support team is ready to help you every step of the way. If you are an existing Fello user and want to directly integrate your Sierra CRM, set up an appointment.

Schedule Your Integration

More data, better data, all in one place

Combine contact data from Sierra with Fello's activity data like postcard scans, email opens, cash offer requests, and home value requests to identify potential sellers. This comprehensive view allows you to find the hand-raisers — those most likely to list their homes.

More listings and faster deals

With integrated contact and activity data, you'll have a more complete picture of each homeowner in your database. This creates a powerful contact engagement system that helps you uncover more sellers and secure more listings, faster.

Save time, save money

By eliminating the need for third-party connections, you'll not only save money but also gain unprecedented control and customization over your data flow. Decide exactly what information syncs between Fello and Sierra Interactive, streamlining your workflow and reducing unnecessary costs.

Increased efficiency and productivity

By eliminating the need to switch between platforms or manually update information, you can work more efficiently and focus on what matters most — closing deals. With all your data seamlessly integrated and accessible, you can make informed decisions faster and streamline your workflow, ultimately increasing your productivity.

Getting started

Ready to supercharge your real estate business with the Fello and Sierra Interactive direct integration? It's simple to get started:

1. Log in to your Fello account
2. Navigate to the Integrations page
3. Select Sierra Interactive and follow the easy setup instructions

By leveraging this powerful integration, you'll be well-equipped to find more sellers, work more efficiently, and take your real estate business to new heights.

If you already have both Fello and Sierra, visit the set up instructions of schedule integration time with our team. New customers after October 2024 will have the benefit of an automatic integration upon subscribing to Fello!

Schedule Your Integration

And if you don't have Fello yet, just Sierra, book a demo to see how Fello can help you identify the warm leads ready to sell their home that are already in your database. We'll show you exactly how this integration can supercharge your business. 

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