Fello - Sierra Integration (Complete Guide)

Overview of the Integration

This integration makes it easy to bring over your existing contacts and users from Sierra into Fello and vice versa. 

Integration Highlights:

  • Sync contact/lead records automatically between Fello and Sierra
  • Granular controls over the type of contacts that are synced 
  • Update contact information in Sierra based on contact activity in Fello
  • Sync Sierra user information to Fello
  • Direct integration that doesn’t require third-party services like Zapier or Real Synch

In this guide: 

How to Set Up the Integration

Prerequisite: Your Sierra account owner’s API Key.

To start setting up the integration:

  • Sign in to your Fello account. 
  • Click on your profile from the top-right corner and go to Settings > Integrations.
  • Navigate to the Available Apps section.
  • Click Connect App next to Sierra.

  • Click Connect App again in the top-right corner.

  • Click Proceed to Set Up in the popup that appears. 

The setup consists of 3 main steps: 

    1. Connecting Your Sierra Account
    2. Mapping Users
    3. Setting Up Contact Sync

Connecting Your Sierra Account

After clicking Proceed to Set Up, you must enter your Sierra account’s API key.

Click Verify to check if your API works correctly. 

Note: Ensure that your API key is for your Sierra account’s owner, as it's necessary for the integration to work correctly. 

Enter the Email Address of your Sierra account's owner. (If this popup does not show up for you, you ignore this step and move on to the next one.)

Click Verify to verify the email address and then click Set Up User Mapping in the next popup.


Setting Up Contact Sync

You can start configuring which records you’d like to sync and how you want to sync them. 

Click Set up Contact Sync.

You will now see the following sections: 

Field Mapping 

Configure how to map the fields of your Leads in Sierra to your Contacts in Fello. 

  • Click the Sync Direction (the 2-way arrow) dropdown to select how you want to sync data.


Sync Options


Data syncs between Fello and Sierra

Contact and lead details will be updated across both Fello and Sierra. 

Data sync only to Fello 

Only lead records from Sierra will be updated in Fello.

Data syncs only to Sierra

Only contact details from Fello will be updated in Sierra. 

Tip: For most users, we recommend syncing data between both Fello and Sierra to ensure that you’re always working with the most up-to-date information in either platform. 

  • Enable or disable fields to be synced as required. (Some fields cannot be disabled as they are required for the integration to work correctly.)

  • Click on any value in the Overwrite Preference column to change the default overwrite settings.

Overwrite Options


Always overwrite to most up-to-date

The most recently changed lead/contact field in either Fello or Sierra will be updated to the other platform. 

Don’t overwrite existing values 

If a lead/contact field in either Fello or Sierra already contains a value, then it will not be overwritten – even if the other platform has the more up-to-date value. 

Don’t overwrite existing values in Sierra

If a lead's field in Sierra already contains a value, then it will not be overwritten with values from Fello.

(This option will still overwrite values in Fello, based on your chosen sync direction.) 

Don’t overwrite existing values in Fello

If a contact field in Fello already contains a value, then it will not be overwritten with values from Sierra.

(This option will still overwrite values in Sierra, based on your chosen sync direction.) 

  • Make changes are required for the rest of the fields and click Next in the top-right corner to proceed to the Event Mapping section.

Event Mapping 

This section is optional. It lets you update fields in Sierra based on events in Fello. For example, you could use it to update notes or Fellow-specific information (like the current stage or form summary) in Sierra based on lead activity in Fello. 

Some events will be mapped by default: 

You can edit these default event mappings as required.

To configure a new event mapping: 

  • Click + New Event.
  • Add a Trigger for your event. The trigger can be an event that takes place in Fello, such as new leads or engagement activity.

  • Set a Filter for your event to narrow it down even further. (Filters are optional.)

  • Set an Action that you want to occur in Sierra when your event is triggered. To do this, select the field that needs to be updated in Sierra, and select the information from Fello that needs to be updated in that field.

  • Click Add Field if you’d like to update multiple fields in Sierra based on your trigger. 
  • Click Save.

You can configure multiple events as required, and edit or delete events at any time. 

Click Next to proceed to configure sync limits. 


If you don’t want to sync all of your contacts between Fello and Sierra, then you can set criteria to filter them here. This integration allows you to set different filters for contacts from Sierra to Fello and vice versa. 

To set sync limits, click Change near the filter that you want to edit. 

You can also specify whether the integration adds new contacts records or only updates existing ones for contacts from Sierra to Fello. 

Click Next to proceed to review your sync settings. 


This page shows you a summary of the sync settings that you’ve configured.

Check all of your settings, make changes if required, and click Save & Sync when you’re good to go. 

Now, your contacts will begin to be synced. This process could take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the number of contacts. You will receive a notification when it’s done. You could also check the current status of sync at any time. 

Mapping Users

This is the final step of setting up the integration. Here, you can invite missing users to Fello or map your users in Fello to your users in Sierra.

Click Set Up User Mapping to continue.


Note: This is an optional step but we recommend doing it for the best experience with this integration, since contextual information like the assigned agent in Sierra being displayed in Fello won’t be possible without it. 

You will see 3 categories of users on this page:

1. Matched Users

These are users with the same email address in both Fello and Sierra. If you think any of the matchings here are incorrect, you can click on that record to remove the match and select a new one. 

2. No Fello Matches

These are users who are not part of your Fello account yet. You can invite them to Fello by clicking the Invite User button next to each user, or by clicking the Invite Missing Sierra Users button to invite all the missing users at once.

Note: Users invited this way will be invited as agents by default. You can update roles and permissions for your users later. Learn more

3. No Sierra Matches

These are users in Fello who could not be matched with any users in Sierra. 

When you’re done mapping users, click Done from the top-right corner.

You have now completed the setup and your integration is ready to use!

The next sections in this guide will cover monitoring and managing the integration.  

Managing the Integration 

In this section:

Check Sync Status & Fix Sync Errors

To check the status of your sync: 

  • Go to Fello > Settings > Integrations.
  • Navigate to the Available Apps section.
  • Click on Sierra
  • Navigate to the Overview tab.

Here, you can check whether sync is on or off for users and contacts, and also see how many of them are in sync, and how many of them are failing to be synced.

To troubleshoot sync failures, we recommend checking the Sync Report. You can access it by switching over to the Sync Report tab from the left sidebar. 

Users or contacts that failed to be synced will show up here, and you can click on a record to view errors for why the sync failed.

Once you’ve corrected the error, click Retry from the same page to sync them again.

Re-Configure the Integration

You can make changes to your sync settings at any time. To do this: 

  • Go to Fello > Settings > Integrations.
  • Navigate to the Available Apps section.
  • Click on Sierra
  • Navigate to the Contact Sync tab.
  • Click Edit Configuration.

Change your sync settings as required and save them when you’re done. 

Change API Key

If your API key has changed or has expired, then you will need to update it to keep the integration active. 

  • Go to Fello > Settings > Integrations.
  • Navigate to the Available Apps section.
  • Click on Sierra
  • Navigate to the Overview tab.
  • Click View Connection.
  • Click Reconnect in the popup that appears. 
  • Enter your new API key. 
  • Click Verify and Save your change. 

Pause & Resume the Integration

This integration can be paused and resumed at any time by enabling or disabling the sync. To do this: 

  • Go to Fello > Settings > Integrations.
  • Navigate to the Available Apps section.
  • Click on Sierra
  • Navigate to the Overview tab.
  • Click the 3-dot icon in the Sync Overview section.

  • Click Turn Off sync.

Now, the sync has been turned off and the integration is paused. You can turn on sync at any time by following the same steps.  

Remove the Integration

To remove the integration completely: 

  • Go to Fello > Settings > Integrations.
  • Navigate to the Available Apps section.
  • Click on Sierra
  • Navigate to the Overview tab.
  • Click Actions dropdown and select Disconnect App
  • Type “disconnect” in the popup that appears and click Disconnect.

Now, the integration, along with all of your configurations will be removed. 

Note: Removing the integration will not affect any data that was already synced between Fello and Sierra. 





Unable to verify API key during setup

The API key you entered is either incorrect or does not belong to your Sierra account’s owner.

Use you Sierra account owner’s API key and try again.

Sync errors & sync failures

Usually caused by invalid values in fields.

Check the Sync Report to find the reason for the error and retry the sync. Learn more.  

Incomplete syncing of contact details 

There may be some fields in Fello or Sierra that are not mapped with each other. 

Check the fields that are currently mapped, and enable the ones you need. If you can’t find the missing fields here, then contact support for further assistance. Learn more.  

Contact records have outdated information

Your sync direction or your overwrite settings may be configured incorrectly.

Check your sync direction and Sync Limits settings. Learn more.

Integration stops working intermittently or altogether 

Possible causes: 

  • Service disruptions from either Fello or Sierra. 
  • Incorrect network settings
  • API key error

Check your firewall settings to see if it’s blocking any of Fello’s communications, or check if your API key is working

Delayed syncing

Unexpectedly large volume of updates between Fello & Sierra. 

These occurrences are rare and usually get fixed automatically. Please contact Fello support if you experience this frequently. 

If you require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Fello support (support@hifello.com). To expedite the support process, we recommend that you also mention the specifics of your issue, such as error messages from the sync report or any steps that you’ve already taken from your side.