How to update Assigned Agent for Existing Contacts during Import?

Importing your existing contacts will allow you to update data for your existing contacts and more.

Step 1:

Go to the Contacts tab and click Import on the top right.

Step 2:

Download your contact database into a CSV file. For reference on formatting, please see our Sample CSV. Please keep in mind:

  • An email address is required for contacts to be uploaded to Connect.
  • Clean up the file to eliminate contacts without an email address, or any fake names that may be inappropriate.
  • If you want contacts to be imported as assigned to their specific agents, add "agent email address" as a column in the CSV file. Once the upload is complete, contacts will automatically be assigned to the agent whose email they were associated with on the CSV.
  • If you do not want contacts assigned to specific agents, they will be uploaded as unassigned. No "agent email address" column is needed.

Step 3:

Drag and drop your CSV file, or choose Click to Browse to upload your file from your computer. 

Step 4:

Map the fields in your uploaded file (left CSV column) to the Target Field Name

* CSV Row 1 and CSV Row 2 show data from the first two rows of your imported CSV file.

Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 10.27.06 AMChoose the matching label for each CSV column from the dropdown list. If there are any unmatched or unnecessary fields, choose Ignore this Column. Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 10.28.12 AM

For updating assigned agent be sure to map the "Agent email" column.

Step 5:

Once all fields are mapped under Target Field Name, click Begin Upload.


*you will be notified by email and system notification once the upload is complete. 

Step 6: (optional step)

While the file is processing, click View Status, or simply carry on with other tasks while the system is processing.

You can also click on the profile icon dropdown and go to the "Import and Export" tab to view the progress.