How to optimize your Marketing Contact usage in Fello 

Learn how to optimize your marketing contact usage in Fello.

There are two types of contacts in Fello:  Marketing & Non-Marketing. The number of Marketing Contacts you can have in Fello depends on your current plan. If you exceed your current limit of marketing contacts, then you will be upgraded to the next marketing contact tier limit automatically and billed for the additional cost.

Tip: To view your plan’s marketing contact limit, go to Settings > Billing > Details & Usage.

When a contact's status is set to Non-Marketing, you will not be able to view Fello data points for them, like their Lead Score and AVM values. These contacts will not be enrolled in any new automations and will also be unenrolled from any existing ones. You can always change their status back to Marketing at any time.

In general, we recommend marking any eligible contacts as Marketing in order to make full use of your contact base for automations. However, you may have Marketing contacts that don’t necessarily qualify to be in that status. This could be due to various reasons, such as a missing email address or contacts that are outside your business’s region.

Marking these contacts as Non-Marketing helps clear space in your database for potential contacts that are more likely to engage and frees up credit usage if they are enrolled in automations. To do this: 

  • Go to the Contacts module.
  • Click the Filter icon above the list of contacts.

  • Click Add Filter.
  • Select the criteria by which you want to filter contacts. View Suggested Criteria

  • Click Apply
  • Select the filtered contacts that you’d like to mark as Non-Marketing. 
  • Click the More dropdown and select Change Record Status.

  • Select Non-Marketing from the dropdown.

  • Click Confirm.

Now, the selected contacts will be marked as Non-Marketing. 

Example Filter Criteria

Here are a few example criteria that you can use to filter Marketing contacts:

  1. Invalid Email Address: Prevent contacts with invalid email addresses from using up credits in email automations and your marketing contact limit. 

  2. Out-of-State Contacts: Filter out contacts that are outside of your business’s operating region.