Zapier usage guidelines for CRM integration with Fello
For the integration to work correctly, your team will need the Zapier Starter Plan at minimum. However, a larger plan may be needed depending on how many new leads are added to your CRM each month. See below for more details.
General Rules
- Fello typically uses 10-20 Zapier tasks per month per 1,000 contacts.
- 2-3 Zap tasks are used per 1 lead that flows into Fello from a CRM.
- 2-3 Zap tasks are used per 1 lead that flows a CRM from Fello.
5,000 Contacts
Fello --> CRM: Approximately 50-75 Zaps per month
CRM --> Fello: Approximately 1,000 - 1,500 Zaps per month per 500 new contacts
Total Zap Tasks: 1,000-1,500/mo
10,000 Contacts
- Fello --> CRM: Approximately 100-150 Zaps per month
- CRM --> Fello: Approximately 2000-3000 Zaps per month per 1,000 new contacts
- Total Zap Tasks: 2,100 - 3,150 per month
20,000 Contacts
Fello --> CRM: Approximately 200-300 Zaps per month
- CRM --> Fello: Approximately 2,000-3,000 Zaps per month per 1,000 new contacts
Total Zap Tasks: 2,200 - 3,300 per month
50,000 Contacts
Fello --> CRM: Approximately 500-750 Zaps per month
- CRM --> Fello: Approximately 2,000-3,000 Zaps per month per 1,000 new contacts
Total Zap Tasks: 2,500 - 3,750 per month
70,000 Contacts
Fello --> CRM: Approximately 700-1,050 Zaps per month
- CRM --> Fello: Approximately 2,000-3,000 Zaps per month per 1,000 new contacts
Total Zap Tasks: 2,700 - 4,050 per month
Fello --> CRM: Approximately 1,000-1,500 Zaps per month
- CRM --> Fello: Approximately 2,000-3,000 Zaps per month per 1,000 new contacts
Total Zap Tasks: 3,000 - 4,500 per month